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Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

What Would You Like to Know?

You’ve Got Questions - We’ve Got Answers

Can I get a same-day appointment?

The goal is for same day or next day appointments.  Access to care is a main priority of DocPlusMe. Telehealth appointments are always an option.  Dr. Webb will be available by secure texting anytime.

Will my insurance cover my visit?

While it is important to have health insurance to cover hospitalizations, specialists, ER visits DocPlusMe does not covered by any health insurance.  Some medical sharing plans, like Zion Health, offer decreased premiums if a patient is enrolled in a Direct Primary Care like DocPlusMe. This will save money that will offset the cost of Direct Primary Care. 


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Should I cancel my health insurance plan once I join Doc Plus Me DPC?

We recommend that you have health insurance.

When does the membership payment start?

There is a one time enrollment fee of $75 per member.  The first payment will be in 30 days after paying your enrollment fee.  For instance if you start on February 10th you would pay the $75 enrollment fee and your first membership payment will be on March 10th.

How do I get referral to see a specialist?

While primary care can cover 90% of patients needs there are times when a specialist is needed.   A referral to a specialist will be made.  Specialist appointments are not covered by membership fees.

What if I decide to cancel my membership?

We understand that your needs may change, and we want to help you through whatever transitions you're making. If you need to cancel, you'll need to give us a 30 day notice.  Reinstatement is possible but will require a $199 reinstatement fee and 6 months of non reimbursable membership fees to be paid at the time of reinstatement.   Exceptions are made for part time residents.

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